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We live in a time of great humanitarian disasters. Wars, famines, corrupt and dilapidated political systems force people to flee or remain in crisis areas.

We consider ourselves privileged to live in a peaceful, prosperous country and want to make a contribution to overcoming social crises.

For this purpose, we founded the non-profit association "ZämeWiiter", set up fundraising events and support people and organizations.

Our activities follow principles of social space orientation, life world orientation and empowerment.

The association is open to everyone who wants to support the association's purpose.

Those who were fine went better
Did things go better for those who were less well
But what doesn't work without
Less good, but good

Therefore, there is little for it
What goes less well is better
And that's why things aren't better for them
What's going well

Dene wos guet geit, Giengs besser
Giengs dene besser wos weniger guet geit
Was aber nid geit, ohni dass's dene
Weniger guet geit wos guet geit

Drum geit weni, für dass es dene
Besser geit wos weniger guet geit
Und drum geits o dene nid besser
Wos guet geit

Mani Matter


Alte Landstrasse 6

4658 Däniken SO

+41 (0) 79 435 73 97

Alternative Bank Switzerland

CH89 0839 0039 1765 1000 3

© 2025 ZämeWiiter

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