Since our founding in 2022, we have been actively collecting donations to support projects, offers and people in precarious situations and humanitarian problems.
Since 2023, we have been focusing on supporting the Childrens' Community Library (CCL) of the Whispers of Love Foundation in Uganda: www.wlfu.info
We focus our commitment on the CCL.
The year 2023 put us on the path to social reconstruction after the long-standing crises in Uganda through our neighborhood networking. We are currently supporting the care and education facility for children and young people affected by poverty, Children's Community Library (CCL) of the local NGO Whispers of Love Foundation in Namulanda (Uganda)
Thanks to the network with the School of Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (HSA FHNW), we were able to initiate conceptual development for the Children's Community Library in addition to the usual fundraising.
We plan to support the CCL until the institution is well established locally and financially independent.
After the escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian war on February 24, 2022, our main focus was on refugees from the Middle East and Ukraine. Since we are strongly networked in Poland due to the origins of two board members, we focused our efforts on the refugees in Poland.