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Lunch crowdfunding on

We did it! With crowdfunding on we raised 4,710 CHF (4,239 after wemakeit's deduction) and thus secured lunch for a year for the children from the Children's Community Library of the Whispers of Love Foundation in Namulanda, Uganda. Many thanks to all donors! Due to the unexpected move of the facility to another building, where rent now has to be paid, lunch was no longer guaranteed. The children come from very poor backgrounds, and parents or guardians often do not have the opportunity to offer their children even breakfast. The food in the library is often their only meal of the day. Secure food comes before education. You cannot concentrate when you are hungry. Esther and Janet, the directors of the library and foundation, buy large quantities of corn for posho (a type of polenta, but made from a different type of corn), rice, beans and peanut butter about once a month. The beans are cooked in peanut butter (a little different to the peanut butter for bread) and then rice or posho is served with it. Rarely there is also matoke, the national dish, as it is a little more expensive and requires a long and laborious cooking process. The plantains are steamed in their own leaves on their stalks, then crushed and boiled again. A process that takes over two hours. Less often there are also potatoes and fruit (bananas, watermelons, pineapples) and, in season, lots of mango. Mama Agi (the mothers are named after their first-born child) and Jajja (the name for grandmother; the grandmothers are the most respected people in the family) cook every day. We send them money once a month, at their request, as money is less secure in Uganda. As a Central European, it is amazing to see how much even small children can eat when they are really hungry. It is a great joy and satisfaction to be involved in being able to satisfy this hunger! The new building is a protected oasis. The children can play, eat and learn there undisturbed. I visited for the fourth time in July and August. I am still absolutely impressed by Esther and Janet's work. Together with other women from their village, they are lovingly creating an extraordinary place. I hope to be able to visit the children again soon, who have become very dear to my heart. We are always happy to report on our experiences there.

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Jazz Matinee September 9, 2023

This time, our neighbor Simon Spiess was responsible for the musical entertainment. Together with his friends, he (saxophone), Snejana Prodanova (double bass) and Samuel Dühsler (drums) gave an incredibly high-quality concert. It was an unparalleled listening experience and they could have gone on tour with this combo, which was put together especially for this fundraising event. They also liked the project so much that they waived any financial compensation. For a change, this time there was soup and risotto alongside coffee and cake. The weather was pleasantly warm and people could sit comfortably outside. Meanwhile, Nils was back in Uganda and he was impressed by how little money can help. For example, he was able to buy antimalarial tablets for a mother of a schoolchild who had malaria for CHF 8. She couldn't have afforded them. It may have been the most useful CHF 8 ever spent. He also bought shoes for all the children, some of whom only have very bad, broken shoes. Through direct contact it is clear what the children need and it can be implemented immediately.

fundraising event April 16, 2023

On April 16th we made pizza, sang and played again. This time for an educational project in Uganda, which we are connected to through our neighbor Nils. Unfortunately, we couldn't play petanque because of the bad weather. Maybe next time! The atmosphere was still wonderful and friends and acquaintances came who we haven't seen for a long time. Thank you for your presence, help and other contributions! We collected 1234.65 CHF at this event and received a further 975 CHF in our bank account at the Alternative Bank Switzerland and in cash. We are very happy and will send you detailed information about exactly how much money was used for what purpose in Uganda.


General Meeting 2023

Our second general meeting took place on February 26, 2023 in Däniken SO. We are a small organization and currently only have 11 members. But we have many more "helping hands" who always make a great contribution during the events. Be it setting up, cooking or decorating. The saying "small but nice" suits us perfectly. The general meeting was relaxed, we discussed the annual report, the annual financial statements and our goals for 2023.


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Fundraising event Pizza and Pancakes 5 Nov '22

We want to help Ukrainians in Poland, where most of them have fled, and in Ukraine itself.

In Bydgoszcz, a Polish city where we have direct contacts, we plan to co-finance a lunch for refugee Ukrainian schoolchildren whose parents cannot pay for the school's services. At the same time, we hope that the city will soon participate in financing the service. Our Polish member is in contact with the city council.

In order to help in Ukraine, we have networked with the Swiss association "Parasolka" and supported the organization with a portion of the donations received so far.

At the same time, we have been concerned for some time about Poland’s brutal migration policy on the Polish-Belarusian border.

That is why we turned our heads in this direction, where another humanitarian catastrophe has been unfolding for almost a year.

The refugees from the Middle East remain there, mostly under undignified conditions, while the Ukrainians are welcomed in solidarity.

We would therefore like to dedicate our next fundraising event not only to the Ukrainians, but also to the refugees on the Polish-Belarusian border.

We have already contacted a group of local NPOs, "Grupa Granica" who are active there, and would like to support them financially.
"Grupa Granica" not only provides food and medical assistance, but also tries to influence Polish migration policy.

We will meet on Saturday, November 5, 2022 at Alte Landstrasse 6, in 4658 Däniken, make pizza and pancakes and provide a stage for musicians who want to enrich our fundraising event.

People will eat, sing, play and hopefully discuss how we can make the world more social.

We would be delighted if you came. Please let us know so that we can plan better! 😊

A report: The first ZämeWiiter fundraising event is behind us. We served pizza and pancakes and people played and sang on our small neighborhood stage. Without the voluntary commitment of our neighbors, none of this would have been possible. Many thanks to you: Monika, Kaspar, Katharina, Mariette, Jacqueline, Uwe, Francesco, Witek, Aida, Charlotte, Belinda & friends and Roman. Many thanks also to the administration and owner of the site, Daniel and Franziska (we were allowed to use all the rooms free of charge) and to Gosia, who took photos for us.

thank you letter 2022

Dear donors, members and contributors
We would like to thank you very much for your generous contributions - whether financial or otherwise. Thanks to your commitment, we were able to establish our association, create a website and, above all, organize and hold a wonderful fundraising event on November 5, 2022.
With your donations we supported the refugees at the Polish-Belarusian border (1750 CHF) through a local non-profit organization “Grupa Granica” as well as the Ukrainian children, young people and adults in need in Ukraine (1750 CHF) through the Swiss association “Parasolka”.
Here you can find more detailed information about the two organizations:

Thanks in part to negotiations led by our friend and board member from Poland, Teresa Krzycka, the lunch we finance for Ukrainian children in a primary school in Bydgoszcz (PL) is now newly financed by the city.
Maria will soon be travelling to Poland, where she will meet with a representative of the «Grupa Granica» to conduct an interview about the increasingly popular initiative in Poland. We will be happy to share the text with you.
We are continuing to develop as a club, are already slowly planning the next event and are very much looking forward to seeing you again!

Interview with Katarzyna S.-R. (KSR), an activist working in GrupaGranica


Alte Landstrasse 6

4658 Däniken SO

+41 (0) 79 435 73 97

Alternative Bank Switzerland

CH89 0839 0039 1765 1000 3

© 2025 ZämeWiiter

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